The accused, Abu Kamara, is being for defamatory Libel against the complainant, Mr. Kandeh, contrary to section 27 of the Public Order Act No.46 of 1965, and knowingly publishing a false defamation contrary to section 26 of the Public Order Act No.46 of 1968.
The matter is being prosecuted by Sergeant 992 Dumbuya.
The accused sometimes in May 2014, at K-Man Drive, Hill Station in Freetown, is alleged to have published a defamatory matter against the complainant, claiming the complainant gave him some money to go up country to kill his wife, Mariama Vangohum, for the sum of two million Leones.
The accused was granted bail in the like sum of Le.20 million and two sureties.
The matter was adjourned to October 9th, 2014.