According to the charge sheet, the incident was reported by one Numa Kamara on behalf of the deceased Abubakar Kamara, before they were apprehended by police on 2 March 2018.
When the matter came up on Thursday 15 March 2018 before Magistrate Santigie Bangura, barrister I. John, counsel for first and second accused persons and A. Kumba, counsel for the third accused pleaded with the Bench to grant bail to their clients.
However, the police prosecutor, Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Mansaray I. vehemently opposed to bail being granted to all the accused persons, considering seriousness of the offense, and that there is the likelihood that the accused persons might jump bail.
In his ruling, Magistrate Santigie Bangura adjourned the matter to Monday 19 March 2018, and ordered for all the accused persons to be remanded at the Male Correctional Centre at Pademba Road in the capital Freetown.