The Minister of Agriculture and Food Security, Henry Musa Kpaka has participated in the launch of a $9.8million regional project in Dakar, Senegal.
According to the minister, the project is meant to benefit four countries including Sierra Leone which is focused at supporting women owned or operated businesses in the post-production segment of the rice value chain, adding that, 210 such businesses will be liable to get a matching grants, training and links to the market that will allow them boost their businesses greatly.
He mainlined that; the project which is titled “Empowering women businesses in the rice value chains” will seek to address multiple challenges central to the FeedSalone initiative by President Bio adding that, it may give them vast opportunities ranging from rice value chain development, economic empowerment of women, business development for women and more.
He thanked the Islamic Development Bank group for designing and funding as well as the United Nations Development Program in Sierra Leone and the UNDP Africa for the coordination and implementation of the project.