Friday, September 20, 2024
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Sierra Leone

UNITED SIERRA LEONE: SLPP, APC display political tolerance in Parliament


Many people have described the apolitical show of love and unity among members of the ruling Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) and the main opposition All People’s Congress (APC) Party in Parliament yesterday, as a top political tolerance and a step in the right direction towards transforming Sierra Leone’s political divide.

Shortly after President Dr. Julius Maada Bio’s address the occasion of the State Opening of the Second Session of the Sixth Parliament of the Second Republic of Sierra Leone, the country’s Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) Boss, Francis Ben Kaifala, the Leader of Government Business in Parliament, Hon. Matthew Sahr Nyuma, Leader of the Opposite, Hon. Abdul Kargbo, Hon. Osman Abdel Timbo, Minister of Information, Chernor Bah, Minister of Youth, Mohamed Orman Bangura and deputy Minister of Mines, Umaru Napoleon Koroma shared oneness in a unity photo that has prompted discussions in many social media platforms.

In a recent national address, President said his government has always prioritised inclusivity and participation for improved governance, adding that building Sierra Leone into a more peaceful, inclusive and prosperous country requires collective input.

He said implored every citizen not to be passive bystanders to nation-building but to engage in national development efforts actively, noting: “your voice, ideas, and actions are not just important but vital to our progress. You are the backbone of our nation’s development.

President Bio said: “Your aspirations are at the heart of our government’s commitment, and we will continue to work tirelessly to fulfil them. Building Sierra Leone into a more peaceful, inclusive and prosperous country requires our collective input. You are the backbone of our nation’s development. Your aspirations are at the heart of our government’s commitment, and we will continue to work tirelessly to fulfil them”.

He said since the signing of the Agreement for National Unity, his administration has ensured the establishment of the Tripartite Committee on Electoral Systems Review, operationalisation of the Inter-Party Dialogue, invited institutions for the formation of a team of Moral Guarantors and working on a framework to review legal cases.

He assured that his administration will continue working on outstanding issues and will further continues to appeal to its International Partners to continue accompanying the rollout of the Agreement for National Unity so that it delivers on prospects of facilitating systems and processes supportive of a national climate for critical reforms, unity and national cohesion.

Recently, in a plenary session of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Parliament, the APC urged ECOWAS to prioritise the implementation of the Agreement for a National Unity in Sierra Leone.

The Agreement, signed between the Government of Sierra Leone and the main opposition, the All People’s Congress Party, comprises eight resolutions aimed at fostering national cohesion and stability.

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