These pupils were reflecting on this and taking their stands to join the fight after awareness raising and inspirational statements in two separate Meet The School campaign programs for the Junior and Secondary Schools by Communication Officers Margaret Nii-Glover and Mariama Navo Mbaimba. The aim of the meetings was to create a learning environment whereby school children will be enlightened on the dangerous effects of corruption and the need for collective effort in minimizing and eradicating it. The Officers in their statements laid emphasis on the need for school children to be studious so that they would not expose themselves to opportunities for corruption in the school setting such as payment for grades and ‘sex for grades’ (Sextortion).
The Anti-Graft Officers also admonished staff of the school to play their part in morally molding the lives of their learners and expose them to corrupt practices that have the capacity to dwindle their educational aspirations.
They introduced the Pay No Bribe (PNB) Campaign and the operations of the Reporting platform with emphasis on calling the 515 toll free line for any case of bribery especially in the five pilot sectors: SLP, Water, Energy, Education and Health.
The three responsibilities which all Sierra Leoneans should endeavor to perform as a valid contribution in the fight against graft were re-echoed by the speakers – Reject, Resist and Report corruption. Other reporting lines in addition to the 515 free line, were also announced.
As a climax to the meeting, Information, Education and Communication materials were handed over to the Principals of the JSS and the SSS Mrs. Edith Stober and Mr. Joseph Sankoh respectively for use at the school library and notice boards.