Monday, September 9, 2024
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Sierra Leone

ACC Presents District Monitor to Kailahun Stakeholders


Heeding to the calls of the public for a deployment of resident District Monitors to the Sixteen (16) Districts, and with the approval of same by the Commissioner of the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC), Francis Ben Kaifala Esq., the ACC Eastern Region Office, on 25th May 2021, officially and introduced and presented to Kailahun District stakeholders, the ACC District Monitor who will be resident in Kailahun. The function took place at the District Health Management Team Conference Room in Kailahun.

Introducing and handing over the District Monitor, ACC’s Eastern Regional Manager, Keifala Koi said, the presence of a District Monitor in Kailahun District is a milestone in the fight against corruption noting that he will facilitate and coordinate Anti-Corruption activities in the District. Mr. Koi encouraged stakeholders to accommodate and collaborate with the District Monitor. He concluded by officially handing over the District Monitor to the Paramount Chief reminding all that the District Monitor is not under the direction and control of any stakeholder and that his presence should not be understood as a witch hunt but an effort geared towards making the ACC easily accessible to all persons.

In his welcome statement, Paramount Chief of LuawaChiedom, Kailahun District, Mohamed Banya said, he was impressed with the gesture and recognition the ACC has for stakeholders. He furthered that such a gesture was exceptional as it is uncommon for public officers working in the District and resident in Kailahun to be handed over to the stakeholders. PC Banya said that, the deployment of the District Monitor is a manifestation of the Commission’s seriousness in the fight against the threat. He called on the District Monitor to be fair and impartial in the performance of his role and responsibilities, and assured that he will be supported by his institution to fight corruption in Kailahun District.

Local Unit Commander-SLP, Sao Vandy, said the deployment of a resident District Monitor is a laudable venture in the fight against corruption in the Kailahun District. He furthered that fighting corruption is part of the job of the Sierra Leone Police. He pledged that the Sierra Leone Police will collaborate and support the Commission in fighting corruption in the District as the SLP is a key partner to the ACC. He concluded by requesting for regular public lectures for his officers at the SLP Kailahun Division.

Chairman, Civil Society Organizations Kailahun District, Mohamed Kabba, said the deployment of a resident District Monitor of the ACC is a manifestation of the seriousness ACC attaches to its work. Mr. Kabba added that people in Kailahun District have been opportuned to have ACC at their door step and should therefore be willing to make complaints about corruption in the District. He pledged the undivided support of the Civil Society groups to combating corruption in the District.

Earlier, whilst explaining the purpose of the engagement, ACC’s Senior Public Education Officer, Sulaiman B. Sowa, said it was an opportunity to formally introduce and handover a resident District Monitoring Officer for the Social Safety Net and the Anti-Corruption Commission in Kailahun District. Mr. Sowa underscored the presence of the stakeholders at the engagement as a signal of their appreciation to the ACC who have responded to their calls and sent an Anti-Corruption Commission officer to be resident in the District

ACC’s District Monitor Kailahun, Edward Ngegba, said his work will be defined by collaboration and professionalism. He also said that, despite hailing from the District, he will remain committed to his work within professional ambits and mandates. He reminded all stakeholders that he is a District Monitor and therefore has the responsibilities of going to all Chiefdoms in Kailahun district despite being resident in Kailahun.

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