In a letter written to the CEO of Addax by human rights activists defending the rights of the workers and the land owners led by Mohamed Dumbuya, it emerged that instead of looking into the issue with the objective of resolving or looking into the complaints raised by the workers, the leader of the defender of the rights of the workers and landowners, Mohamed Dumbuya came under attack while he was at home on the third day of the strike.
Addax Bioenergy is a Swiss-owned Sugarcane-based renewable energy company operating in northern Sierra Leone. However, since its inception, the project has been far from being sustainable and is undermining the communities’ rights. A local NGO ActionAid that also investigated the problems emanating from Addax found that because the community people’s land had been taken under very suspicious and possibly criminal manner, the failure in places of the FDP, poor wages and job insecurity has practically driven the indigenes mad, thus leading them to revolt.
It was as a result of his attempt to get the company to respect the rights of the workers and the landowners was the reason Mohamed Dumbuya came under attack and reports immediately followed that a death squad had been organized allegedly funded by the Addax top cadre management to summarily and secretly “silence the outspoken critic and human rights defender Mohamed Dumbuya wherever he is seen.”
Since then, Mohamed Dumbuya who fled for dear life has not been seen in public.
According to family sources since that time, Mohamed Dumbuya who formerly resided in Kenema fled his residence together with his family and has been running and hiding from place to place after he was advised to stay out of sight until the tension cools down or at least until certain police in the payroll of Addax are retired or sacked. This is because even if Mohamed willingly surrenders to the police, his safety will still not be guaranteed as long as there are the numerous police elements on the payroll of the Addax CEO who reports say is a big spender that doesn’t care how much or how long he dishes money to his hit men in the police as long as his wishes are carried out.
This press investigated the incident and discovered that indeed Mohamed Dumbuya could be in danger if he dare surface after taking off with his family from Kenema which was his last hideout.
Investigations continue.