Monday, September 9, 2024
21.4 C
Sierra Leone

Advancement of Medical Education in Sierra Leone: A New Era



As a true patriot, his long term dream, and equally my concern over the huge money spent for overseas medical treatment came into reality when Parliamentarians both opposition and ruling party unanimously passed the Bill entitled “The Sierra Leone Council for postgraduate colleges of specialties ACT 2016”.This development has been described by medical students including retired medical Consultants as laudable.

When I explored the minister’s presentation, the higher level interest was the achievement of medical education. Education in its definition is the process or art of imparting knowledge, skill and judgment, facts, and ideas that have been learnt either formally or informally – The presenter possess these qualities and I see him, the minister as a patristic advocate and politician that is currently on the development rail to building a resilient health system in Sierra Leone.

All the minister needs is total support from the government and health development partners to achieve his priorities.

Sierra Leone is painfully and shamefully below the minimum threshold of health worker per population in terms of specialties. Our Parliamentarians need commendation for reaching at a laudable consensus devoid of partisan and for understanding the minister. They demonstrated patriotism with integrity and objectivity. Kudos to the Minister and our honourable Parliamentarians. 


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