African Girls Code, a humanitarian foundation under the leadership of Sydney Faux, has certified 30 school-going girls on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) at the Blue Crest College Hall, Wilkinson Road in Freetown.
Representing the founder during the ceremony on Saturday 5th June 2021, Edwina Thomas, said that her granddaughter Sydney Faux is 17 years old residing in the United States of America, adding that she is into encoding and decided that she wanted to help girls in Sierra Leone to become part of the STEM program and to know more about computer studies.
She went on that they are going to target more girls and that today they are very much delighted to issue out certificates to 30 girls that have completed a 10 weeks course on computer science.
“We are trying to encourage girls to get into computer science. There is a lack of female participation in those areas and that is why Sydney decided to establish this organization whereby they can teach girls how to do computer science and to code,” she disclosed.
NomthandaSithole, Project Manager at Tony Blaire Institute, congratulated grandaunts and call on them to put into practice what they have been taught. She continued that she was delighted to see those young girls having access to a computer, appealing to them to seize the opportunity in applying the practical things they have learned in their day-to-day lives.
“Because you are young, so many carriers opportunity will come your way within the technology sector. You have now had the platform if you want to take this program seriously. It is however little bit frustrating because nothing worth gaining comes easy, cry and keep on going as it is an exciting career,” she cautioned. She concluded by disclosing that this is just the beginning and that there are so many other things they can do.
One of the grandaunts who happen to be among the two best candidates, Sakinah Sara Marah from the Rising Academy International, thanked African Girls Code for giving them such an opportunity to broaden their knowledge in computer science. She continued that by extending appreciation to Blue Crest College for providing the space throughout the course and also to their parents for the motivational support.
She stated also that she together with her colleague grandaunts can now have testimonies to tell out there. “We can boast of switching on a laptop with different skills in computer science,” she ended.
African Girls Code program was launched at Blue Crest College Campus as a result of the Partnership between African Girls Code, Rising Academy Networks, and Blue Crest College Sierra Leone. Blue Crest College is Technical Sponsor for the Project.
Blue Crest College is always at the forefront to support the cause of Girls Education. Last year also Blue Crest extended the supportive hand to the Technovation Girls program. Blue Crest College is providing Lab facilities & Technical Support to make these programs successful and so that Young Girls of Sierra Leone can be empowered through technology.