Friday, September 13, 2024
22 C
Sierra Leone

Afro Barometer survey shows two-term presidency limit is popular



 Support for term limit grew stronger since 2012, as Sierra Leoneans continue to respond to the glaring questions on the tenure of President and views on whether the Constitution should limit the president to a maximum of two terms in office and if there should be no limit on the president tenure in office. This resulted in 87% in support of with 6% in opposing the term limits.

 The key findings from the survey revealed that 6 in 10 Sierra Leoneans which is 59% of those who responded to questions in the survey, prefer democracy over any other form of government. 9 in 10 reject a non-democratic alternative; with an overwhelming majority of 92% of Sierra Leoneans prefer to choose their leader through open and honest elections.

 The survey was conducted nationwide with key priority areas being targeted including accountability, democracy, multiparty system and the country’s electioneering process. It sturdily exhibited the perceptions of Sierra Leoneans on how they view their country’s democracy since 2012.

More than 36% say of respondents say that they are not satisfied with the country’s democracy. 

55% of Sierra Leoneans urged the government to be accountable than to get things done without any legal consideration; with 6 in 10 citizens urging the president to always obey the country’s laws and judicial system.

 The survey results also revealed that three-fourth, which is 76% of citizens, say that parliament should ensure that the President explains to the citizenry on regular basis, how the government spends taxpayer’s money. A slim majority suggests that the opposition should cooperate with the government whilst 41% propose that opposition parties should monitor the government and hold it accountable.

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