According to the Albert Academy alumni Association (AAAA) following the successful Sponsored Walk last week Saturday 21st September, 2019 starting from the Freetown Amusement Park ending at the Njala Venue, at Aberdeen Beach Road, the next event is a Family Fun Day for Alumni members, their families, relatives and friends and ordinary members of the general public.
The Family Fun Day on 28th September, 2019, takes the form of a meet old and make new friends affair; children will have the opportunity of fraternizing with each other in a friendly and hospitable atmosphere. Children below 18 years would pay a minimal fee of Le5,000; Teachers Le15,000 and Alumni and their friends Le25,000.
Following this event, there would be a Flag-Raising and Foundation Day ceremony on October 4, 2019 at the school grounds, Berry Street in Freetown, beginning at 9am. Students and Alumi that would be attending are expected to be in full ceremonial uniform.
On the same day, there would be a Dinner and Dance at the YSC, Wilkinson Road in Freetown. Tickets would be sold at various prices ranging from Le250,000; Le450,000; Le1,000,000; Le2,500,000; Le5,000,000 and Le10,000,000. A good time awaits all those who attend.
To climax the AA’s 115th Anniversary celebrations, a thanksgiving will be held at the King Memorial United Methodist Church on Sunday 6th October, 2019 at Goderich Street in Freetown beginning at 1pm.
A march-past through selected streets in Freetown follows. AA students and Alumni are expected to be in complete school ceremonial uniform while Alumni members who wish to take part in the march-past are expected to purchase a crest/badge at the cost of Le50,000