According to our Western rural reporter on 26th of December 2018 at about 8:15pm Sierra Leone local time news break out that the female genital mutilation /Cutting initiators have forcefully grabbed Alhaji Umaru Conteh’s six years old daughter Isatu Conteh and have taken her to their initiation bush (bondo bush) for initiation.
 According to Alhaji’ wife her daughter went out to urinate when the FGM initiators got hold of her and started chanting songs of their ceremonial rites and saying that they will initiate her daughter because her husband have been championing the campaign to abolish their customary rite that they inherited from their ancestors.
 Sources further revealed to our correspondent that news about the capture of Alhaji’s daughter left him in a state of flurry and he did not hesitate to take his friends and siblings to rescue his daughter from forcefully undergoing the FGM / Cutting initiation. Speaking to some resentful members of the FGM at the scene they disclosed that Alhaji and his gangs invaded their sacred initiation bush almost at midnight and made away with their new bondo girl. She further lamented that they put up stiffed resistance but were overpowered by the men at the end as most of their members had gone home to sleep. The community leaders, tribal heads and the FGM leaders had declared Alhaji and his entire family wanted for contravening a taboo by entering the secret society bush of women. His house was attacked and vandalised by the aggrieved FGM initiators and members.
Speaking to the head of the bondo women (Sowei) in Waterloo , she emphasized that since Alhaji has gone against the norms of their tradition they will do whatever they could to get hold of him and face the consequences or else they will continue demonstrating and attacking his office and resident.
All efforts by this press to contact Alhaji Umaru Conteh proved to be futile as his contact lines were constantly switched off. Rumours has it that he is in hiding with his family fearing for their lives.
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