It could be recalled that Alie Turay father Pa James Turay had been the Argba of the Poro Secret Society for the past 15 years and according to their tradition the position of Argba Agedeh can only be attained through succession, meaning Alie who is the eldest son should succeed his father in the society upon his death.
After the successful burial of his father, three days later members of the Poro Secret Society visited their residence in Kowama Village six miles from Waterloo and demanded that he (Alie) must replace his father as the Argba of the society and must undergo robust initiation ceremony.
Alie’s Mother, Hawa Conteh refused to give up his son due to the fact that her son is no way connected to secret society and she will not allow them to take him. During the process a scuffles erupted between members of the society and relatives of Alie, but he managed to escape the scene but was bitten in the ear by one of the members.
According to close family source Alie managed to flee the country after he secure help from a friend.
According to close sources within the society, indicated that the search for Alie Turay is still ongoing as members of the society are still harassing members of Alie’s familie to the extent that they have been limited from enjoying and attending certain function in the village.
It was revealed that a bounty was place on the head of Alie, and a handsome reward was placed for any person who will show his way about.
Meanwhile, family members of Alie have resisted all urged to participate in all traditional activities and rumors has it to say that they are planning to leave the village soonest.