Meanwhile, the Anti-Corruption Court will temporarily be located in a separate area within the Law Courts Building in Freetown, and specifically designed to have its own staff, Registrar and special processes and procedures.
The following five judges have been assigned to the division: Hon. Justice Reginald Sydney Fynn, Hon. Justice Miatta Maria Samba, Hon. Justice Fatmata Bintu Alhadi, Hon. Justice Cosmotina Jarret and Hon. Justice Simeon Allieu.
The establishment of the special court for the trial of corruption-related cases is a fulfillment of President Bio’s promise in the SLPP Manifesto and in Parliament, and a major deliverable for the Francis Ben Kaifala-led ACC and the Judiciary.
Once operational, cases will now move faster and will be better organized; and will further assure the people of Sierra Leone that the ACC can secure justice for the people within a reasonable time frame.
Additionally, significant progress has been made so far with the Anti-Corruption Amendment Act 2019 that was tabled in Parliament. Both the first and second readings of the Bill have been completed and committed to the legislative Committee for final consideration.
The Act will strengthen the powers of the ACC and ensure greater efficiency in carrying out its mandate.
The ACC boss is determined and optimistic that these strategic and necessary adjustments, once fully operational, will strengthen the fight against corruption and set the country on a firm trajectory for corruption control within the shortest possible time.
Moses Lamin Kamara, PRO Law court Building in an interview with AYV on Tuesday 23rd April, 2019 buttressed the words of the Chief Justice Desmond Babatunde Edwards, citing that the reason is to expedite corruption cases which earlier had been included in mainstream criminal cases before the court. He added that this time round, the reason for creating a separate court to try corruption matters is to ensure that the fight against corruption is taken seriously and that at the end of the day the matters are dealt with swiftly and judiciously.   Â