As the Embassy cannot ship the raw materials from China, MMCET will provide the space and conducive learning environment for the training of the 45 students, provide the raw materials like clay, oven (s), water and firewood, the MoU highlighted.
The Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Technical and Higher Education, Mr. Gilbert Cooper, who signed on behalf of the Ministry, asserted that the MoU is a “fair deal.”
The Ministry of Technical and Higher Education is expected to provide the leave application, coordinate the entire process as well as provide the duty waiver for the shipment of the equipment.
The ceremony was witnessed by the college’s Acting Vice Principal, Dr. Mohamed Alie Jalloh, who signed on behalf of the college, the Senior Registrar, Mr. Jeff Momoh, the Dean of the Brookfields campus, Mrs. Alima Jumu, the Public Relations Officer, Elizabeth Sesay and the head of the Practical Arts Department, Mr. Marco Conteh.