Sierra Leoneans have taken to twitter to correct the Vice President of India after the twitter handle of the Vice President who just visited Sierra Leone twitted that he was happy to have visited the Choithram Charity Hospital, citing in the twit that he appreciates the commendable work being rendered by this charitable hospital in the field of Health Care.
Before the visit of the Vice President of India, a statement from the Ministry of Information gave a rundown of the places the vice president was going to visit; Choithram Memorial Hospital being one of them.
In his twit that was countered by the Sierra Leonean Twitter community, the Vice President stated that he appreciates the commendable work being rendered by this charitable hospital in the field of Health Care and in providing free medical treatment facilities to the poor and the needy.
Responders were quick to state that he was misinformed and that Choithram is the most expensive Health Facility in the country with some even arguing that the hospital do not provide free medical care.
Some twitter handle however called on the Anti Corruption Commission of Sierra Leone to look into the matter and in response, the Anti Corruption Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala on Twitter stated that Choithram Hospital is one foreign business that took advantage of the country’s poverty to make money based on broken promises and that 80-90% of the undertakings it made to government to get the land on which it sits including free accommodation, free food and free services they did not keep.
The Hospital however in a press release stated that they express regret for the wrong mentioned of the name of the hospital as a charitable hospital rather than a memorial hospital but however stated in the press release that the hospital has been providing regular services at discount price and free of cost to deserving and poor patients and that the next free camp for diabetes will be held in November.
However, it was confirmed last evening before press time that the Hospital will be holding a press conference this morning to address the issue.