Explaining the purpose of the validation session, Fambul Tok National Peace Mothers Manager Lilian Morsay said: “For the past two years Fambul Tok worked in all 14 sections through its flagship programme People’s Planning Process (PPP) to develop Dasse Chiefdom and asked communities to support development. That’s why Fambul Tok and Catalyst for Peace designed the Peoples Planning Process so that every section and villages would be involved in identifying what they want to do and how they want to go about it,” she said, adding that Fambul Tok does not give financial support to communities but walks along them to achieve what they want. She called on development partners to always consult with communities to make their interventions more inclusive.
Communications Officer, Fambul Tok International-Sierra Leone, Solomon Yarjoh in opening the session admonished the participants to look through the document and ascertain what they have agreed on earlier in terms of sectional and village activities. However, he asked that the title of the document be revised to suit current context as we are done with Ebola.