The Executive Director of Pikin Bizness, Dr. Adonis Abboud, has cautioned politicians to exclude school children from national politics.
Dr Abboud categorically stated that politicians should not be going to schools for whatever reason because such may create a tendency of diverting the children’s attention from concentrating on their studies.
He accepted the fact that there are school children that have reached eighteen years and are therefore eligible to register to vote but underscored that these children should not be canvassed by politicians to vote.
According to him, in recent months several political parties were found guilty of canvassing pupils’ right inside their school premises and sometimes with tacit or active approval from school authorities.
He added that some of these political parties even went to schools to dish out scholarships and other gifts to children that have reached voting age with promises that they stand to benefit more if they register and vote for the party dishing out the gifts.
He disclosed that it is on record that school children (first time voters) are gullible and some of them fell for that trick which is why he, who is a philanthropist with passion for children spoke with representatives of the two main political parties about this issue and the way forward.