Rossella Miccio said the hospital programmes have been developed in coordination with the Ministry of Health guidelines so as to ensure they work in partnership with the ministry. She further promised that they are working to provide quality health services.
She informed the president that, they are committed to training local hospital staff to improve on the quality of services they offer at the different clinics they are working. She mentioned that they have asked the Ministry of Health to provide the Emergency Hospital with names of health workers that will benefit from the training.
“We have treated over seven hundred and fifty thousand patients and over ninety patients have been treated in the Sudan Emergency Hospital for heart disease from Sierra Leone,” she said.
She also disclosed that they are working to expand the hospital to other communities in the country as they have done in the Waterloo community.
Addressing the Emergency Hospital President, President Bio thanked her for quality service delivery it has been offering to the people of Sierra Leone since its inception over a decade ago.
He promised that his administration will work towards increasing government funding to the hospital, adding that the government will try to increase it to 20%.
The president applauded them for the training they will be offering, stating that it will increase service delivery in the entire country, and requested for a regular meeting with the Emergency Hospital President to strategize in improving the health sector.