Sunday, September 15, 2024
21.4 C
Sierra Leone

Environmental Management Plan for Fisher Lane Community


Lead Environmental Consultant ECOSYS SL limited Anthony Davies said the purpose of the Assessment is in pursuit of sustainability in ecosystem to identify positive and negative impacts associated with the enterprise operations, then propose measure to effect balance between human development and the natural ecosystem from the lens of an EIA.

He said during the scoping of the report they engaged the community and relevant stakeholders at  standards bureau, ministry of trade, Labour ministry and SLIEPA on the activities of Pee Cee and Sons operations.

“Pee Cee and sons imports food items from abroad and resells to the local market,” Davies explained,

He said the storage facility they are using is fixed for purpose containers with a minimal noise and air pollution that impacts the environment and the people.

The Enviromental Consultant for Pee Cee and Sons said  in consultation with the people the company will provide Le20m annually towards the development and welfare of the Fisher lane community.

Admin Officer Pee Cee and Sons Mukesh Patel  said the company was established in 1965 specialized in the importation of food products into the country.

He said the company has contributed immensely towards the socio-economic development of the country and also helping to promote the Sierra Leone economy by creating jobs for locals in our branches all over the country. 

Hashim Bakarr from the Ministry of Trade and Industry spoke about their role in policy formulation on trade and investment for domestic and foreign trade and spoke about Pee Cee and Sons role in promoting the local economy.

Occupational Health and Safety officer of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security Mohamed  Alimu Kamara said the ministry closely monitors the activities of the company and they are among the most compliant investment in the country.

Chairman Fisher Lane Community Senessie Mansaray expressed delight over the community engagement in a bid to address issues affecting the community where the company operates and called for more employment opportunities for locals.

Officer in Charge of the Dock Yard Police Station of the Sierra Leone Police Edward Sei cautioned locals to help fight against crime within the community and encouraged the people to always report to the police any security threat. 

Emmanuel During an Environment Officer at Environmental Protection Agency said the public disclosure is the fifth step to fulfilling the award of an environmental license of Pee Cee and Sons Limited.

He applauded the company for fulfilling their obligations in accordance with regulations of the Environmental Protection Agency Sierra Leone (EPA-SL).

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