Friday, September 13, 2024
21.3 C
Sierra Leone

Finance Ministry Commences DSA Workshop


According to Dr. Laverley, Sierra Leone like other developing countries continues to prioritize proactive debt management within its overall economic policy management agenda in order to minimize the risks of falling into debt distress and its inherent negative consequences.

Government over the years, according to Dr. Laverley, has been conducting DSAs to establish whether government borrowing levels are running into a destabilizing debt path in order for government to take corrective measures based on internationally acceptable indicators.

The Deputy Finance Minister disclosed that the New Direction administration inherited a very challenging economy with a total public debt of about Le16 trillion or 60% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). She added that there is also a huge stock of unpaid domestic arrears of about US$1.4 billion which is currently being audited and a strategy developed for its clearance.

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