Mariatu Kamara, a housewife, explained to AYV that the cost of dry and raw fish have increased by almost 100 percent in the past five weeks. She said that a portion of fish that used to cost Le10,000 is now sold at Le20,000. She attributed the high cost to the short supply of fish in the market.
The shortage came after the end of government’s one-month ban on industrial fishing, which local fishermen hoped would replenish stocks but whose impact has been limited by its short span.
It could be recalled that the government imposed a moratorium at the start of April on industrial fishing boats not to fish for the duration of the moratorium.
It is also on record that local fishermen complain daily that these trawlers damage their nets and disrupt schools of fish in shallow waters.
Margaret Murray, a fishmonger noted that the situation is becoming serious each passing day. She said that fish is now very scarce and food prices are affecting household savings. She added that they price their fish based on the amount they purchase a carton of fish.
She added that the price of a carton of fish has increased by 60 percent. “We don’t do business to lose. We sell based on the market price,” she said.