The accused, also known as Ratty, was arraigned before Magistrate Kamanda on a count of causing another person with mental disability to engage in a sexual activity contrary to section 8 (1) of the sexual offence of Act 2012.
Testifying in court, the first prosecution witness, Isaac Yaremeh Sesay, said he only knew the victim and the accused in this matter, adding that on Sunday 3 August, 2014, at night, his relative informed him that she heard a cry from an unfinished house nearby.
“I immediately acted upon it and went to the scene of crime with one Ishmael and two other boys,” Isaac Yaremeh explained, adding that when he pointed his phone light, he saw the accused nervously jump off the lady.
Isaac went on to say that he saw blood on the front part of the accused trousers, adding that he saw the young lady naked and helpless.
He said the condition of the young lady prompted him to report the matter to the Congo Water Police post.
“On our way to the police post, the accused offered me a phone and money so that he could be set free, but I declined,” he said.
He further disclosed to the court that the police post at Congo Water denied accommodating the accused and the lady, but fortunately, a police patrol team arrived took them to the nearest police station.
PW1 Sesay tendered to the court the photos of the accused and the victim.
The second prosecution Witness, Abdul Aziza Kamara, said he only knew the accused in this matter and disclosed that the victim is his wife to be, adding that the victim is mentally disabled.
“When she had the attack last year I took her to the Mammy Dumbuy’s church and later to a traditional herbalist,’’ Kamara explained.
He said on the 3rd September, 2014, he took the lady to the traditional herbalists for treatment but was informed of her escape.
He said he was later informed by two boys at Congo water that they saw a man holding a woman like the one he just identified.
“We boarded a vehicle to a man called Wednesday. Wednesday said they had taken the matter to the police station,” Kamara said, adding that on their arrival at the police station, he explained to the police officers about the matter where the officers also said the only matter they had was about a husband and a wife.
He said he later identified the victim at the Family Support Unit (FSU) at Kissy Police Station and took her to the Star Shield Hospital for examination and later to the Connaught Government Hospital.
The matter was adjourned to 17th September, 2014.