During presidential campaign trails many politicians that went to the district to garner support made huge promises to the youths of Port Loko but these promises are yet to become reality nor reflected on the lives of the people living around Upper Falaba Road in Port Loko District who are faced with lots of problems ranging from lack of job opportunities, proper healthcare facilities among other social amenities.
It could be recalled that after the presidential run-off election in March last year 2018, President Maada Bio promised Sierra Leoneans that he would establish factories in the four corners of Sierra Leone with manufacturing companies in every district in the country. However, such a promise from the new government is yet to manifest in the lives of Port Loko youths.
Currently, most youths in Port Loko District are riding motor bikes as a way of living to take care of their loved ones. Abu Bakarr Sesay who is a commercial bike rider in Falaba Road said though he has completed his secondary school education and got an excellent result, he has no one to pay his university fee and so is resigned to commercial bike riding.
Osman Bangura a father of two said he has spent most of his life in commercial bike riding though it does not earn him the amount of money he actually needs to take care of his family. He used the opportunity to call on the government to encourage private investors to establish companies in Port Loko so that more youths could gain employment in that part of the country.
Abdul Kargbo who is a successful business-man in Port Loko said he is finding a piece of land to open a fishing company in Port Loko to employ youths. He added however that he would need the support of the government in this direction if the venture is to be meaningful and beneficial in the short term.