The Human Rights Commission of Sierra Leone (HRCSL) has trained members of District Human Rights Committees (DHRCs) and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in the eastern region on the Importance of Human Rights Indicators for Effective Monitoring and Reporting of Treaty Bodies and Special Mechanisms.
DHRCs and CSOs are important partners in monitoring the status of implementation of recommendations from Treaty Bodies and Special Mechanisms and as such, enhancing their knowledge will enable them monitor and report on implementation of recommendations effectively.
Facilitators took participants through key international, regional and domestic instruments/law, special mechanisms/UPR process, functions of treaty bodies and the role of NHRIs and CSOs in treaty body and UPR processes to ensure better understanding.
In his brief statement, Vice Chairperson of HRCSL, Victor Idrissa Lansana acknowledged the work of DHRCs and CSOs as partners to the Commission in protecting and promoting human rights.
“You can’t defend human rights when you are not knowledgeable in human rights.” he said and urged participants to take the training very seriously.
Similar training will be hosted today Wednesday 22nd and tomorrow Thursday 23rd in Bo for DHRCs and CSOs in the southern region.