The mandate of the Independent Media Commission among other things is to ensure that media houses achieve the highest level of efficiency in the provision of media services; to protect the interest of both the public and of journalists against exploitation.
Mr. Khoryama stated that, 19 media houses were brought before the Complaints Committee and that 3 of the complaints were thrown-out because they lacked evidence. He added that a few other media houses were warned by the Complaints Committee.
Two media houses according to Mr. Khoryama were found wanting and asked to retract their stories and do apologies; 13 were fined and asked to retract their stories and write letters of apologies.
He continued to state that 5 newspapers refused to comply in paying the fine levied while 2 newspapers were asked to retract and apologize but failed to do so and as a result they were suspended.
“Out of 86 registered and active newspapers, 76 have renewed their licenses up to 2019 and are not in arrears; 69 radio stations and 9 television stations have all paid their own fees in full” he said, adding that 124 newspapers are in arrears to the commission; 55 radio and 15 television stations also owe arrears.
He went to say that, 85 newspapers that have failed to renew their yearly license have been suspended, citing that as a regulatory authority and as partners in the development of the media profession in the country, it is incumbent on them to reason with media houses that play foul with their mandate.