The SLFA Ordinary Congress held in Port Loko City on December 7 has been described by football analysts, as a “very successful gathering” wherein the football family for the first time in over four years, peacefully demonstrated that they can forge ahead for the good of the game despite the backlogged acrimony that had plagued the game for over a decade.
Speaking at the opening ceremony, SLFA President, Madam Isha Johansen craved the indulgence of the football family to use that opportunity to deliberate on issues with an open mind for the good of the game and the country.
“Sierra Leone has in the past been on the spotlight for the wrong reasons. Let us use this opportunity to put Sierra Leone once again on the map for the right reason,” Isha Johansen told delegates.
Before the adjournment of congress, it was unanimously agreed that North-West Region, Falaba district and Karene district, who had applied for the SLFA membership be approved as stated in Article 27 (2) of the SLFA Statutes.
Congress also approved unanimously that four (instead of two) teams be added to the existing 14 Premier League clubs in order to have an 18-team league in the next season but with the caveat that two of the four should come from the North and North-West regions while the remaining two from the other three regions namely; South, East and Western Area.