Building women that will be better suited to aid in the development of Sierra Leone means giving quality education to the girl child. There are various factors, truncating the growth of the girl child. Child marriage to high teenage -pregnancy and its associated social ills are the major impediments to the development of this particular sector in Kambia that many described as vulnerable.
Alimamy Sembu Kamara is the District Coordinator of ABC-Development. Alimamy Sembu Kamara said ABC-Development is a local None Government Organization that has existed in Kambia for over 20 years supporting what he called marginalized communities in the area of education, health, governance, food security among others. October 11th this year Alimamy said his organization, ABC-Development in collaboration with the Ministry of Social Welfare, Gender and Children’s Affairs with funding support from ActionAid Sierra Leone has joined the children of Sierra Leone and the world over to celebrate the International Day of the Girl Child
The celebrations which attracted the attention of various women organizations and civil society groups including 5050, women’s forum, women shadow parliament, BRAC among others provided mentorship for young girls, an effort to provide teenagers and women with their rightful space in society.
Education is one of the most important means of empowering a girl child with the knowledge, skills and self-confidence necessary to participate fully in society. Is that the case in Sierra Leone? We ask.