The National Civil Registration Authority (NCRA), has released a team of Registrars to go and register a 104-years old woman as part of the Authority’s “Leave No One Behind” effort to ensure every citizen and non-citizen resident in the country is part of the integrated Civil Registration, Vital Statistics and Identity management processes.
The registrant, Madam Admira Valentine, was born on September 23, 1918, in Konta Walla section, Lokomasama chiefdom, Port Loko district in the North-West region of Sierra Leone to Mr. Idrissa Kamara and Madam Yabom Kamara – both are now deceased.
Prior to her registration, Madam Admira had expressed a keen interest to be registered with the NCRA, citing trust in the Civil Registration process, which she stated as effectively managed by the NCRA.
After her registration, Madam Valentine now has her unique National Identification Number (NIN).
The 104-year-old woman who has been learning about the operations of the NCRA via her small radio, believes that every resident in Sierra Leone must be captured by the Authority to help the Government of Sierra Leone properly account for every resident in the country and plan better for national resources allocation, inform policy development and other data related concerns for accurate governance intervention.
The registration of Madam Valentine is part of NCRA’s continuous registration effort to register those who have not registered with the NCRA and, hence, are not on the electronic database of the Authority.
The National Civil Registration Authority (NCRA) was established by an Act of Parliament in June 2016 to register and confirm the personal details of citizens and non-citizen resident in Sierra Leone; record all vital events such as; births, deaths, marriages, divorces, nullities and issue National Identification cards to every resident.
Some benefits of the integrated civil registration and identity management initiative are to provide foundational identity information of every registrant in the country, helps to clamp down on fraudulent activities, support Identity verification in areas of immigration in acquiring work and resident permits, vehicle registration and ownership, financial transactions, Land and property registration and ownership, NASSIT enrolment and other functional usage of identity information.