The level of warm reception, kindness, care and love doctors, nurses and medical staff at the LGH show to the patients is hard to come by even in private hospitals in the country.
By all indications, these professional public servants at the LGH cannot, by any means be compared to any other set of public servants across the country as they talk nicely to patients and are always ready to hurriedly attend to them at the shortest call.
In as much as one may never wish himself sick and admitted at any hospital, but I can authoritatively state in this piece that once a patient is admitted at the LGH, he will always love to come back, especially after recalling the sweet reception and smiles from the fine faces of the doctors and nurses while administering medication to patients.
Unfortunately though, these fine professionals are working in a very deplorable condition, despite they are always doing their best to satisfy their patients.
It is very sad to note that despite being servant to such a wide health jurisdiction, the LGH operates only on electricity supply supplied by EDSA and has no standby generator.
The moment EDSA cuts off its supply from the hospital, patients, doctors, nurses and the entire hospital go without electricity. Doctors and nurses on duty and patient go days and nights without electricity supply.
Pathetically enough, when pregnant women come for delivery, these professional doctors and nurses have to go through constrains to make do with Chinese lights, touch lights and sometimes candles to help women in delivery.
Another sad part patients admitted at the LGH suffer is the unexplained denial by workers of KLIN Salone for patients to use the hospital’s built in restrooms. They unexplainably lock the inside toilets and force patients, no matter their health conditions, to walk some 10metres from their wards to the outside toilets situated close to an unfinished building site with lots of rocks.
The unprofessional acts by these cleaners contracted to clean the hospital is nothing good to write home about. They hardly talk nicely to patients and most times shout at them should they walk pass by while they are cleaning the hospital’s floor.
They have no regard or respect for patient’s privacy and they can enter male and female wards to clean without even alerting patients whether they are naked or not. These cleaners will come for work as early as 4:00am when most patients would be sleeping after spending sleepless hours fighting gigantic mosquitoes and start causing unnecessary noise in the name of cleaning.
This newspaper has joined dozens of patients to appeal to the management of the KLIN SALONE and the LGH through the Ministry of Health and Sanitation to urgently address these suffering faced by patients at the hospital.       Â