Monday, September 9, 2024
21.9 C
Sierra Leone

Magistrate expresses disappointment


Disturbingly while in the dock, prior to the Clerk’s reading of the Charges – and just for the instinct behaviour of a second out – of – four accused persons, in a matter having to do with ‘Conspiracy to escape from police custody; Escape from lawful detention; Insanity conduct and Assault on Police’, the memory of Magistrate Sheka Papa Kamara was quickly drawn to the familiar faces of the many accused persons he doubted.

Slowly turning his hawk eyes around the ‘Accused Bench and the Dock’, the magistrate wasted no time to remind the lined – up accused cum criminals, and asked in a very loud voice about how recent he’s carefully dealt with them on criminal matters.

He said in a very frustrating tone: “You see – sometimes, one wonders why see some of these already – convinced criminals so quick marauding the streets and posing threats to the community”.

After a few – minute pause, and just about to order the Court Clerk to continue reading the Charges, also rudely disturbed one the lined – up accused persons; an action that angered the magistrate to posing serious questions about the accused persons’ frequency in court,  and for matters against the law. In the affirmative and without any delay, more than the half – dozen accused persons proved the magistrate right. 

A few moment later, the Magistrate Sheka Papa Kamara quickly implemented the pattern of asking Principal Witnesses commonly called ‘PWs’ , to turning their backs to the Court, while testifying.

The ‘Turning – of – back’ innovation during testimony in court came after an accused person fearlessly raised his right hand to remind the magistrate while Court was in session that one of the Court Officers were communicating with a Principal Witness that was in the dock. 

From what eventually transpired in the late hours of Thursday’s Court Sitting, many of the people present in court would not be surprised to  seeing a very much disciplined Court in the near future plus their hope for a better judiciary. So far,  the High Court stands accused for the return of a reasonable number of almost /already convinced criminals by law.

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