For the 5/90 draws, the unchallenged Betting Company has also made few changes with the inclusion of three (3) new draws; BAI BUREH, HOLLYWOOD DREAMS and ACE draws which increases to four draws a-day instead of the three (3) draws previously.
The 5/90 Lottery draws will now run six days a week; Monday to Saturday and will now be held daily at 11:05 am, 2:05pm, 4:05pm, 8:05pm respectively. Meanwhile, the minimum stake of these draws will now be Le1, 000 instead of the previous amount of Le500.00 and the new changes are expected to take effect on the 22th January, 2018.
Throwing more light on the new changes, the Managing Director, Mercury International, Martin Edmond Michael said this is a fulfillment of the company’s promise to get new machines and also increase the number of daily draws in response to the high demands of customers.
“Our customers have been asking through text messages, phone calls on the different radio mercury programes to increase our game draws. This is in response to their concerns”. The MD Stated.
“We’ll always listen to the concerns of our valued customers, they are the reason why we are operating as a Company and we’ll always cherish them. As a Company, we have designed line of activates for 2018 which will fit the expectation of our customers,” Martin Michael concludes.