Monday, September 16, 2024
21 C
Sierra Leone

Ministers Urged to be Change Agents


The weekend retreat was sponsored by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the British Department for International Development (DFID).

The aim of the retreat was to help ministers map out their respective strategic plans for the delivery of the government’s New Direction Agenda.

President Bio called on his ministers to carry out their duties professionally and to lead by example. He reminded ministers that they are the primary agents of the change he has been preaching for Sierra Leone. He said he cannot do it alone and is therefore relying on his ministers and deputies to implement the goals and objectives outlined in his New Direction document.

He said that to actualize his vision, ministers must be able to create a synergy through which they could work together in the best interest of the country.

“Again, we must practice teamwork because every sector in governance is important. We have to be together with the right mentality to deliver on our promises,” President Bio said. He mentioned that the country has suffered for too long and noted that citizens are expecting his administration to change the narrative this time around.

He added that it is the responsibility of his ministers to ensure the collective delivery of the promises he made to Sierra Leoneans.

“We all can attest to the fact that as a country we have suffered for too long. We now have the unique opportunity to rewrite the narrative in our history books and go down as the set of people who saved this nation at one point. Let us collectively make use of this opportunity and once again make our country an enviable place to live,” he added.

Chief Minister Professor David J. Francis who chaired the event told his colleagues that the retreat was important because it set the platform on how they can as a government deliver on their promises.

“It will also help us to develop team spirit that will help us to collectively deliver on the hopes of Sierra Leoneans. As ministers, we will work as close friends, tied towards a clear objective – the New Direction,” he implored his colleagues.

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