The launching of the ambulance service is part of the government’s plan to devolve clinical laboratory services to all communities across the country.
In another development the ministry also launched the new paramedic and ambulance drivers that will serve the 14 chiefdoms in the district.
Speaking during the launching Dr. James Jongopie said the ambulances will help provide access for patients and will help reduce the high rate of maternal deaths especially for categories that are entitled to the free health care programme meant for women, and children under five and emergency cases.
“We are glad to have ambulances now that can help fast-track referral cases from place to place, PHUs and hospitals for quality health care,” Dr. Jongopie said, adding that it was challenging and difficult for them financially to maintenance the previous ambulances.
Dr. Jongopie went on to say that people’s attitude in seeking health care services through delay also caused high rate of maternal deaths. He added that they have received 6 ambulances to be distributed in the different zones, adding that the ministry will give them more ambulances based on the amount of cases they receive.