Nannette maintained that traditional healers should start sending their children to school and also educating them on how to utilize their applicable herbs, adding that it only through that we can modernize our herbs as all medicines are from leaves, stating that it through that method the Chinese have modernized their herbs.
She also pleaded to the healers not to be involved in any killing during election period as that will hinder national development, because those lives that can be destroyed form part of the human resource that can drive our country forward. She submitted that “people have been accusing traditional healers for the recent exhumation of graves in the country and it will be good for the president of the traditional healers union in the country to weed out the bad ones that are among them.”
President of the Sierra Leone Traditional Healers Union, Sulaiman Kabba said prior to his reign, there were allegations of killings by traditional healers but his leadership has been able to substantially overhaul that perception.
He said he has surmounted many challenges in order to restore sanity in their trade, and that the government should support the union in that direction if they are to succeed in getting rid of bad guys that are among in their trade.
Deputy Minister of Political and Public Affairs Akhmed Mansarsy testified the good work of traditional healers and that most sickness that cannot be cured by medical practitioner, sometimes can be cured by the traditional healers.