Friday, September 13, 2024
21.1 C
Sierra Leone

No Bail for Massah Kai Kai’s Murderer



According to the bail bond, surety should produce national identity card and one title deed valued at three hundred million Leones and bail was approved by the Master and Registrar.

The alleged murderer, Ibrahim Mansaray is facing two counts charge on Murder, Contrary to law and Burying Human Body in a Place other than a Cemetery.

The state claimed that the accused person murdered Massah Kai Kai sometime in August 2018 at N0. 44B Lower Pipe Line, Smart Farm Off Wilkinson Road and deposited her remains in a shallow pit at the same address in the Western Area of the Republic of Sierra Leone.

In her testimony, the second Prosecution witness, Anne Marie Turay informed the court that she recalled testifying that the deceased, Massah Kai Kai had certain household items like rubber buckets and trash can in her parlor at the above- mentioned address.

She said that following the mysterious disappearance of Massah Kai Kai, she went to her residence at N0. 44B Lower Pipe Line, Smart Farm, Off Wilkinson Road, but realized that some of her household items had gone missing.

  Anne Marie Turay identified deceased Massah Kai Kai’s I- phone and I- pad which was shown to her by the state prosecutor for identification in respect of the alleged murder incident.

Furthermore, the third prosecution witness who is Massah Kai Kai’s Land Lord, Samuel Calton Carew also testified that he recognized the alleged murderer, Ibrahim Mansaray, and that the deceased later introduced the accused person ho him as her boyfriend.

Samuel Carlton Carew stated that he could not remember when last he saw Massah Kai Kai, before she disappeared mysteriously.

He further narrated that he traveled out of the jurisdiction of Sierra Leone, but later returned to Freetown in July 2018, stating that he was in the United State of America when the deceased Massah Kai Kai telephoned and informed him that she wanted to pay her house rent, but she learnt that he was out of the country.

The witness went on to say that the deceased later paid her house rent, whiles he was still in United State of America.

According to Samuel Carton Carew, he returned to Freetown from United State in August 2018, and  he was at home when the  alleged murderer, Ibrahim Mansaray visited him at his residence and informed that the deceased, Massah Kai Kai had traveled to France via Senegal.

The witness further that the accused person also informed him that he was no longer prepare to stay at the said residence and requested for some part payment of the house rent which the deceased had paid.

He told the court that he refused to refund the part payment he requested from him, saying that when he went to the deceased residence at N0. 44B Lower Pipe Line, Smart Farm, Off Wilkinson Road, he realized that the deceased parlor had been ransacked and one of the window parlor cottons was also missing.

Samuel Carlton Carew intimated that few days later, he received a telephone call from officers  at the Criminal Investigation Department headquarter  informing him to come to the said residence, as they wanted to conduct an investigation and exhumation  in respect of a missing corpse.

He explained that while the investigation was ongoing in the compound of the deceased, the officers saw banana trees planted on top of a hole, where the officers eventually discovered human skeleton wrapped in a one of the window cottons which had gone missing in parlor, after the mysterious disappearance of Massah KaiKai.

Samuel Carlton concluded that statement was obtained from him at the Criminal Investigation Department headquarter at Pademba Road in the western part of Freetown.

The state was represented by Juan M. S. Bull and the alleged murderer was unrepresented.

 Magistrate Mark Ngegba adjourned the matter to Wednesday 22 May this year.

(Court Update; Complied by Mohamed Kai and read by Albert George Sheriff)

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