Tuesday, September 17, 2024
28.5 C
Sierra Leone

North Korea discussed in Serra Leone


He said in 2016 alone Kim had launched 20 missiles and carried out 5 nuclear tests, which he pointed out, were clear violations of the United Nations Security Council Resolutions and nuclear proliferation treaty (NPT) regime.

“In April 2012, Pyongyang, the capital city of North Korea, proclaimed in its constitution that it was a nuclear state and in March 2013 it declared its permanent status as a nuclear power and adopted policy of simultaneous development of unlearn and economy”, he told the gathering.

The South Korean envoy also said that their neighbours were actively pursuing the capability to deliver nuclear weapons and was accumulating fissile materials trying to miniaturize the nuclear warhead and extend the range of its ballistic missiles.

Pyongyang had also claimed that it had succeeded in developing submarine-based ballistic missile after five tests since October 2014.

Amb. Noh further disclosed that due to the penchant of Pyongyang in pursuing unclear weapon development against the welfare of the citizens, about thirty thousand citizens had migrated from North Korea to South Korea in search of survival due to hunger and starvation. (Tramadol)

According to him the North Korean pursuit of weapons of mass destruction was one of the gravest threats to peace and security of the international community.

He said when unclear weapon was tested anywhere in the world, the negative impact was felt across the globe, adding that if they continued to make more threats on their nuclear weapons, then the world needed to wake up and empower youth by giving them scholarship to serve as a veritable ground to systematically reshape their ideology and de-radicalize their psychology.

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