Plan has been sponsoring / fostering children since 1976, and as part of our 40th year celebration of achievements, Plan would like to contact these beneficiaries with the aim of creating an association /alumni of Women and Men of today who were sponsored / fostered as children by Plan in Sierra Leone.
If you are a former sponsored or foster child of Plan International, please contact the following numbers: 076179176 / 076801428 / 078700700. You can also visit our offices at the following addresses or drop us a note of your contact
Plan International Sierra Leone
Country Office, 6 Cantonment Road
Off Kingharman Road, Brookfields
Plan International Sierra Leone
Bombali Program Unit
Plan International Sierra Leone
Port Loko Program Unit
Port Loko.Â
Plan International Sierra Leone
Moyamba Program Unit
Plan International Sierra Leone
Kailahun Program Unit