Tuesday, September 17, 2024
25.8 C
Sierra Leone

President Koroma a living legend



In that light, President Koroma deserves to be referred to as a living legend.

Who is a living legend?   According to The Merriam-Webster dictionary: ” A living legend is a person who is famous while still living from doing something extremely well”

Therefore, it is my humble opinion that failure to appreciate what President Koroma’s has done for our beloved country is tantamount to an ingratitude
In the words of William Jordan, a New Zealand politician :” ingratitude is a crime more despicable than revenge, which is only returning evil for evil, while ingratitude returns evil for good. “

Do we want to fall into that category of being ingratitude thereby guilty of returning evil for good? Think about it

Evidently, with all what President Koroma  has done, apparently he is still determined to make sure that the free healthcare to continue, the building of roads to continue, the transformation of agriculture to continue, the creation of job to continue.

He has said it over and over times without number that there is no turning back.

In 2007 President Koroma ran on a ticket of change, and five years later the change he promised has come, and it is visibly changing the quality of life of Sierra Leoneans, and the deplorable state of the nation’s roads.

it is evident under the leadership of President Koroma, there have been positive changes in the following areas: changes in our life expectancy, our foreign relations landscape, change in our mindset from low self esteem to proud and forward thinking people, change in our human development index, and this change has brought hope to all.

Unquestionably, it is obvious his ambition is to make sure that all Sierra Leoneans benefit from the endowments which God gave us.

Moreover, it is essential to highlight that despite the numerous awards President Koroma received both at home and abroad for his transformational leadership style, and good governance.

It would be interest you to know that In 2010 Sierra Leone was presented with the MDG award for leadership and progress in reducing the spread of HIV/AIDS.

President Koroma’s vision, hard work and accomplishments, his unique and significant contributions have and will continue to benefit the nation for years to come, hence deserved to be recognized as a LEGEND.

Finally, permit me to conclude in his words (President Koroma), “I do not make rosy promises I make promises I can keep, that will continue to attract investors, because it means more job,”

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