Monday, September 9, 2024
23.5 C
Sierra Leone

Rahma Relief Foundation Distributes Ramadan Food Basket


In his address to beneficiaries, the Regional Coordinator Mr. Youness Ktiri reiterated that two of the core activities of the Rahma Relief Foundation are Compassion and humanity; Compassion he said they are dedicated to improving the lives of those they serve and treating each other with care and respect and Humanity as they strive to prevent, alleviate human suffering and promote mutual understanding, cooperation and respect for the human being.

Mr. Ktiri said that the organization’s main vision is to see a world in which all human beings, whose lives and livelihoods are shattered by disaster or conflict, attain the right to survival, recovery and control of their future. He assured the beneficiaries that this will not be the last donation but it will continue to help alleviate the poverty of the people.

In her remarks, Fanta Fofanah thanked the Rahma Relief Foundation for the opportunity given to fasting Muslims that are going through this holy month of Ramadan for the fairness of Allah only.

Mrs. Fofanah lauded Rahma Relief Foundation in the United States for thinking about the poor people in Sierra Leone and prayed that Allah continues to provide for them so that they will in turn help humanity the world over and especially in Sierra Leone.

In his remarks, the Chief Imam of Masjid Rasulullah, Sheikh Sulaiman Kamara lavished praised on Rahma relief foundation for rendering such assistance to people to have the strength and courage to go through the holy month of Ramadan.

Sheikh Kamara prayed that they will continue to extend their hands of charity to the poor and needy in this country as there are people in abject poverty in Sierra Leone that hardly go to bed with one meal a day. He thanked the Regional Coordinator Mr. Youness Ktiri for judiciously sharing the provision made by Rahma relief foundation and appeal to him to push for more donations for the people of Sierra Leone.

The program was climaxed with the distribution of food items to various beneficiaries comprising 450 bags of rice, 120 boxes of milk, 120 bags of sugar, 450 rubber oil, 300 boxes of maggi, 300 cartoons of tomato, and 450 boxes of tea leaves

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