Saturday, September 14, 2024
28.3 C
Sierra Leone

Righteousness exalts a nation!!


While some simplistic ones would dismiss it all as superstition, the Bible does not think so. In Deuteronomy 18:9-13,  God forbids consulting anyone who practices “divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead” (also see Leviticus 19:26, 31, 20:6; 2 Kings 17:17; Acts 19:18-19; Revelation 21:8, 22:15). When God warns against any practice, it means that the practice is a reality.

The issues of voodoo, juju and witch guns have become too prevalent among Sierra Leoneans, as often played out in the social media.

The leaked audio tape has enough to make for troubling hearing and introspection.

It seems like many Sierra Leoneans have forgotten God and all they want to do now is harm other people with witch guns and juju. The moment they fall out with somebody the next recourse is to go to the juju man to try to harm the person. Forgiveness, reconciliation and consensus are no longer attributes of Sierra Leoneans.

Spiritual wickedness and evil seem to be overcoming our nation.

This is why there is so much darkness in our nation. People want to do evil more than good.

People want to revenge more than forgive. People are more determined to expatiate vindictiveness rather than forgive and move ahead. People are more interested in bringing down their striving neighbors than helping them succeed.

We must forsake juju, turn away from evil and pray for God to clear the spiritual darkness that has enveloped our nation.

Proverbs 14: 34 say that righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any nation. We cannot stand in our own righteousness but if our nation puts Jesus Christ first and allows him to control what we do, and then we will attain the righteousness of God that comes only from knowing the only true and loving God, who is the Aloha and the Omega and the beginning and the end.

If we put Jesus Christ first in our nation, then we will not run to the jujuman or witch doctor to try to harm our brothers and sisters whenever we fall out with them. Sierra Leone is fast becoming the juju and witch gun capital of West Africa and this is not good for us.

Sierra Leone was founded and established on strong Christian principles. We must return to the Christian values that once epitomized our nation.

We blame God and our governments for our problems but if we do not get rid of our bad heart and the wickedness that prompts us to first seek the juju man, start loving and forgiving one another and stop planning evil against our neighbors, no good government will achieve the desired results in our nation. The spiritual controls the physical realm. There is no way we will be OK in the physical realm if we are not ok in the spiritual realm. No country will grow higher than the attitudes of its people.

Sierra Leone’s problem is spiritual. That is why nothing that has been done to cure the nation has achieved its desired results. We have to cure our nation in the spirit realm first before we can cure the physical and much of this is attitudinal. Spiritual attitude. OUR ATTITUDES DETERMINE OUR ALTITUDE.

According to Deuteronomy 28 and First and Second Kings, when the people of a nation turn away from God’s moral laws and seek wickedness, the wrath of God falls on that nation. God loves Sierra Leone, but he is not happy with our evil hearts for one another.

If we put God and his precepts first in Sierra Leone, we will see the wonders he will perform for our nation. But if we do not put God first and decide to continue to hate one another and plan wickedness against our neighbors, we will continue to reap the whirlwind.

We reap what we sow.

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