“Don’t move without guidance from the Foreign Minister and the Director General and Ambassador-at-Large, always keep in touch with your Foreign Ministry,” Dr. Kabba admonished.
Sierra Leone’s Ambassador to Germany, Dr. M’baimba Baryoh on behalf of his colleague diplomats thanked the minister for his words of guidance and reassured that as diplomats, they would always keep in touch.
“A diplomat shouldn’t say much but do more, we are always ready to face any challenge and ready to handle issues responsibly,” he said.
The Director General and Ambassador-at-Large, Paul A.S. Minah wished the diplomats well and asked them to go and represent the country as they have been trained. He stated that they must never forget their purpose of being abroad as Sierra Leone’s representatives and that the country should always be their first and best interest.
Present during the final advice session were the Director of Protocol, the Acting Deputy Director General, Dr. Nyuma and Director Middle East and Asia, Mr. Witson Yankuba.