Wednesday, September 11, 2024
21.8 C
Sierra Leone

Salone Parliament Ratifies 3 Financial Agreements


i: Protocol of agreement between the Republic of Sierra Leone and African Development Fund (ADF) for the Sierra Leone Agricbusiness and rice value chain support project (SLARIS) dated 20th August 2019.
ii: Financing Agreement (Second additional financing for Sierra Leone Social Safety Net Project) between the Republic of Sierra Leone and the International Development Association (IDA) dated 12th September 2019 and amendment to the amended and restated financing agreement (Sierra Leone; Social Safety Net Project-Grant NOS.H9250-SL and D0920-SL) dated 12th September, 2019.

iii: Ratification of Sierra Leone membership of the Africa Finance Cooperation.

Contributing to the debate, Hon. Francis Amara Kaisamba of SLPP said the agreements were not controversial in light of improving the rice production which is intended to reduce the huge Government spending on importation of food.

On his part, Hon. Abdul Karim Kamara of APC said Parliament has ratified several agreements and was timely for institutions to give an insight of the implementations of the aforesaid. “This would help MDAs and Parliament to have clear understanding” he noted whilst admonishing the Government not to politicize the distribution of cash to the beneficiaries of the Social Safety Net.

Adding his voice to the debate, Hon. Sahr Charles of C4C informed that, the agreements would address hunger in the country, while calling on the authorities to implement the Social Safety Net devoid of biasness. “80% of us, MPs are representing people who fall under the Social Safety Net category” he disclosed adding that MPs must be encouraged to independently monitor the process.

Buttressing the importance of the agreements, Hon. Osman A. Charles of SLPP said the documents were in line with the 2020 National Budget in light of creating fifty thousand jobs for youths, four thousand jobs for graduates, one thousand jobs for entrepreneurs, thirty-two thousand jobs for farmers and one hundred and fifty thousand indirect beneficiaries as well as infrastructural developments.

Also commenting on the debate Hon. Moses A. Edwin of SLPP called for checks and balances in the implementation process.

Contributing to the debate, the Acting Leader of Opposition, Hon Ibrahim Ben Kargbo of APC commended the Deputy Minister for hard work while assuring the Government that they will help them to ratify the agreements. “We recognized that the agreements before us, are very important and we will support the ratification” he assured.

Concluding the debate, Acting Leader of Government Business, Hon. Sahr M. Nyuma said they did not have any dissenting views from previous speakers regarding the agreements and that all MPs have a role to play in during implementation period. He specifically noted that, the agreements would improve on farming. “Our farmers are really poor, we must endure and hope”, relating the importance of the agreements to beneficiaries and also assured all and sundry that the implementation would be apolitical.

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