Dr. Samura Kamara who served as Minister of Finance in the former President Ernest Bai Koroma’s government will be giving testimony on the sale of Sierra Rutile that government had 30% shares in 2012. The company was allegedly sold by the former president to his nephew John Sisay.
It could be recalled that President Bio’s government on the 29th January 2019 officially launched the Commission of Inquiry to investigate into the activities of officials of the former Koroma administration.
Dr. Samura Kamara is being summoned to appear before Justice Biobele Georgewill after the former Secretary to former President Koroma, Emmanuel Osho Coker denied any knowledge of sale of the Sierra Rutile Company Ltd.
Earlier, giving evidence before Justice Biobele Georgewill, Mr. Coker noted that he had no knowledge about the alleged sale of shares in 2012.
Earlier also, the Financial Secretary Sahr Lahai Jusu giving evidence for the State, tendered a document at the COI which he said he obtained from the Bank of Sierra Leone regarding the sale of government shares at Sierra Rutile that is of interest to the COI.