The project is part of Brewery’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CRS) and is worth over Le600,000,000 (six hundred million Leones).
Sierra Leone Brewery Limited (SLBL) is one of the most outstanding national industries that has contributed immensely towards the implementation of several community services and national projects. Since its inception, the Sierra Leone Brewery Limited has contributed significantly towards enhancing job opportunities, contributing to the socio-economic development of the state through prudent fulfilling of their corporate social responsibilities in robust and necessary community development projects.
The recent construction of seven (7) solar-powered water well projects in the various communities within their operational areas is a manifestation of the SLBL’s unflinching support in providing services to the inhabitants of the surroundings in which they operate, thus complementing government’s development efforts.
SLBL Corporate Affairs Manager, Albert Ojo Collier informed the press that the SLBL and Heineken Africa Foundation drew the attention of stakeholders of the various communities that the seven (7) submersible solar-powered water wells will serve as a testimony to the sterling work they have committed themselves to doing as a leading industry in the country and true partner for development in Sierra Leone.
The project entails the building of seven (7) water wells which are apportioned in the four communities; three (3) in Koya Town, two (2) in Wellington Industrial Estate, one (1) in Loko Town and one (1) at Upper Maxwell Street whose solar panel was recently stolen thus frustrating the completion of this particular project.
The project costs 69,458 (Euros) which is over six hundred million Leones (Le600M) in Leones equivalent.
He called on members of the respective communities to take full ownership of the project as the construction of the water wells and associated works has been completed and will be commissioned later this month