Sunday, September 15, 2024
21.5 C
Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone Passes MCC’s Corruption Control Scorecard



For 2018 and 2019, Sierra Leone has made a total of 30 percent upwards. Last year, the country made 22 percent upwards, moving from 49 percent in 2017, to 71 percent in 2018. By this year’s report, Sierra Leone is among the top ten performers in our income category; number two in Africa; and number one in the Mano River Union.

In the 2019 MCC Report, Sierra Leone passed more than 10 of the 20 indicators, including the mandatory “Control of Corruption” indicator. Therefore, Sierra Leone is now “Compact Eligible.” This means Sierra Leone is eligible to benefit from the US Government US$600M (Six Hundred Million United States Dollars) Compact Fund.

The MCC is an initiative of the Government of the United States to provide aid to developing countries to fight widespread poverty through economic growth. The MCC scorecard consists of 20 indicators under three broad categories: “Economic Freedom,” “Ruling Justly,” and “Investing in People.” The ‘Control of Corruption’ Indicator falls under “Ruling Justly” category.

Similarly, Sierra Leone has also scored high in other global and regional anti-corruption rankings. In the Global Corruption Barometer, Sierra Leone ranked 3rd out of 35 African Countries surveyed on “Government’s Effectiveness in the Fight against Corruption.”

In this light, the Commission wishes to reassure the general public of its determination to continue to inject integrity and transparency into State governance.

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