Friday, September 20, 2024
21.5 C
Sierra Leone

SLBL MD expresses commitment


The MD also revealed that “Heineken, our major shareholder, continues to play an important role to support and finance the sustainability of our business but it is time for us to demonstrate strong resilience, zeal and discipline in transforming the performance of our beloved company.”
“This can only be achieved if we work as a winning team and abandon unacceptable behaviours. We should not tolerate any behaviour that compromise quality and performance,” he added.
Further maintaining “it is time for us to prove to the rest of the world that Sierra Leone Brewery Limited possesses the right leadership and capability to improve our business while satisfying consumers choices.”
“Now, as we sail into the future, he accentuated, “we have even a bigger goal to pursue. Our company and our country need us to sail on strong in a bold, daring and innovative spirit, taking on new challenges and exploring new opportunities along our way. So, let us keep up our good work. With your support and solidarity, we will certainly be able to propel Sierra Leone Brewery Limited into the next stage of development,” he emphasized.

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