Raymond Kai Gbekie, Chief Executive Officer for the Sierra Leone Investment and Export Promotion Agency (SLIEPA), said the act that establishes the Public- Private Partnership Unit firmly recognizes the role of SLIEPA in a joint effort to attract and facilitate investment into Sierra Leone. The two institutions are intertwined by birth and closely related by mandates. Gbekie added that they have marketed a lots of prepackage deals that lead to job creation, increase in household income and also increase in government revenue.Â
In his statement, Abu Kamara, Coordinator for the Public-Private Partnership Unit said they’ve had several engagements with SLIEPA; as it relates to how best they could strengthen ties and leverage their strength to the optimum, and to deliver President Koroma’s vision to improve private sector intervention significantly. Kamara said a strong private sector develops a robust economy, more jobs, innovation and economic growth he said.
In his Keynote statement while ceiling the signing of the MOU, Oluniyi Robin- Coker, Chairman Board of Directors, Sierra Leone Investment and Export Promotion Agency (SLIEPA), said he is expecting the tie between the two bodies to be further nurtured to bring results for the country. Chairman Robin-Coker said they have begun to see some strong focus on public private partnerships which are instrumental as there are empirical instances in the country.
It is indeed true that Sierra Leones economy needs major growth experts. And with such signings of MOU’s, but two corporate institutions, it’s hoped that results would be positive.Â