Speaking to AYV in a mobile phone interview Suad Bangura said their move is to have direct representative in Brazil from State House.
“The Press Secretary Keketoma Sandi has forwarded the matter to President Bio and has further assured us that a timely intervention shall entertained to join the Sierra Leone Embassy in Washington of the United States of America with the Sierra Leone Embassy in Brazil,” she disclosed.
Madam Bangura added that, the direct representation in Brazil will help them to sell the culture and tradition of the country and that it will boost the country economically.
She went on to say that, the direct representation will strengthen the ties between Sierra Leone and Brazil as many Sierra Leoneans in Brazil are going through constrains.
Madam Bangura further highlights the challenges faced by Sierra Leoneans in Brazil ranging from legal issues, poor documentation, and welfare amongst other things that are negatively affecting them in Brazil.
The organization according to Madam Bangura has been at the forefront in representing the Sierra Leone in Brazil, stating that they have been connecting Sierra Leone Nationals in and outside Brazil and the Caribbean.