SGBV takes various forms, including domestic violence, sexual violence, femicide, sexual harassment etc. As a result of the aforesaid, Mrs. Rita Saffa, the  coordinator of Community Participation and Development Organization (CPDO), a community based organization in Rokel community, eastern part of Freetown in partnership with SLADEA/BFTW has come with ways to help SGBV victims against these odds by funding thirty (30) SGBV victims with the sum of two million Leones (Le 2,000,000) each to engaged in viable economic activities that will brighten their future.
Mrs. Rita Saffa said if these victims are engaged in viable economic activities activities/Businesses, it will help to protect them from sexual violence and strengthen them towards their personal growth and if they utilize these opportunity given to them, it will enhance their education to know their rights.
A successful workshop was held on the 30th of April where thirty (30) SGBV victims were trained how to sustain and utilized the money given to engage in viable economic activities. One of the stakeholders who were present when disbursing the money, Mr. Tunde Taylor also admonishes the victim that the project was to enhance their personal development through viable economic activities. He continues to say that the project will not only help the victims but also the Rokel community at large by increasing awareness and expansion of economic activities in the community.